The MustHaves
A complete Laravel fashion portal that includes multiple language and payment gateways like Multisafe & Klarna. Shop & get exciting features like discount vouchers, easy shipping and much more.
The benefits of Orange Genesis
We strive for high customer satisfaction. That is why we offer the following benefits in the projects we handle:
Used PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript languages
Fashion web shop with multiple payment gateways and shipment processes
Key Features
  • Online shopping, add to cart, add in the wishlist
  • Return items within defined time
  • Shipping in all over Europe
  • Coupon codes and various seasonal sale.
  • Multiple payment Gateways
  • 30% increment in the online sales
  • Enhanced user journey and trials within different category products.
  • Management of inventory and overall sales both from physical and online presence.
Solution we provided to our client
We started working with creating new design pages for entire webshop and made a custom design that our customer loved. We then started working on frontend development of all those pages with the help of HTML, CSS and Javascript technologies. We used Laravel system as backend technology and included features like products in different categories, add to cart, buy now, shipping and return policies. We also integrated various payment gateways and added multiple payment methods for the customers to have the possibility of paying with any medium they like. We also developed a whole customer service environment where online customers could reach out for their queries regarding their orders, payments or any other query they might have. With customer login environment, users can keep the items in their Wishlist, browse from thousands of products available and add to cart or buy anytime they want. We are still helping our customer in maintaining this platform and on & off updates like shifting one warehouse from another, automation process for refunds etc.
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